Because I Said So!

Do you remember hearing this familiar phrase as a child? Perhaps there was a moment when your mom or dad couldn't come up with a more logical reason or they'd run out of patience, and this spurted out of their mouth? I'm sure it's happened to many of us. I'm sure many of us use it today! I'm not quite there yet, with my two and a half year old, who doesn't push those vocal buttons juuuuuuuust yet, but I've seen it happen. We all say we won't be like our parents, and then something surprising comes right out of our mouths! It's that reflection of who we've been raised by! No matter how much we try to do things differently, our parents are still there, deep inside of us.
When I heard Keller Williams, one of my favorite singer songwriters had written a childrens book *and* released a kid's CD, I was all over it! What a great CD to add to my collection! What a fun book!
This book takes a look at the absurd things kids tend to ask for, alligators, hippopotamus', and finally, realizing that something more modest might be most appropriate ;)
I think it's so cute that I've got a copy of the book JUST FOR YOU! Looking for one more Christmas gift? It's your lucky day! I'm hosting my very first ever give away right here on River-Girl! How to enter? Just tell me one great memory you have of your mom or dad from when you grew up! I'll be closing comments on Friday morning, right before I post my "this moment" and mailing the book out Saturday morning! So tell your friends! Get in on the goodness! Thanks for stopping by!
Comments closed! I'll be posting the winner a little bit later!
Interesting title. My parents told me this hundreds of times. A moment with my Dad was when he taught me respect for life ~ he told me to carefully walk around ants ~ which to this day I do. Thanks for the opportunity. Have a beautiful day, Katie x
i remember my dad carrying me through the streets of lake placid, ny on his shoulders after we beat the russians in hockey in the olympics in 1980! the streets were packed with people celebrating for what seemed like miles.
I have a super warm fuzzy memory of my dad and I sharing Sunday afternoon meals at Wendy's. Of course, now I cringe at the square "burgers", fries and orange drink (not soda, drink!) that we shared, but the quality time was worth the few years shaved off our lives ;)
What a cool idea! My best memory is actually a Christmas memory. We were pretty poor when I was growing up but as a kid I never really noticed. I do remember that my friends had tons of barbie dolls and I had 2. For Christmas one year my parents were really short on cash. I woke up Christmas morning and there were barbie doll clothes hung on little hangers all over the Christmas tree. My mom had taken scraps of material and custom made me a whole wardrobe for my barbie dolls. I may not have had as many barbie dolls as my friends but I certainly had the coolest outfits. I never realized until years later that she did it because she was broke. To me it is still the coolest Christmas gift ever...and the coolest memory ever of my childhood! (And yes, I still have all the barbie doll clothes!)
:-) when i was a little girl, every sunday while my mom was at work,my dad would dress me and try to do my hair. it was very long - nearly to my knees - he would have the hardest time trying to get the brush through - he tried and tried and then most often we would go to my mom's work (a diner) for a bite to eat ..... and for mom to fix my hair
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