A Baby Possum Moment!

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by Amanda Soule
What special moments have you had in your own week?
Labels: One Moment
Oh my gosh, what a great shot! I love possums, they are so cute.
This is a cute baby possum. Honestly, I had a scare with a big one when my hubby was deployed and I haven't liked them. Now this makes me feel better about them. Like they are cute and sweet. :-)
fabulous shot!
creatures are the theme of the day for me too. LOVE being in nature!
Great shot...I can handle the little ones, they have a certain cuteness about them. The big ones creep me out though!! :)
My Moment: Summertime is Bumble Bees and Sunflowers
I usually don't like them either! one comes to visit on our deck to eat cat food. That one is much bigger..and sometimes if I open the door and catch him by surprise, he practically falls OFF the deck! Rather funny, but creepy just the same!
There was something endearing about this little baby...all by himself, out only because the neighbor watered...I almost felt bad for him..He was no bigger than a pet rat!
We had a baby possum one year in the year of our old house. I cannot believe how CUTE they are!!
What a sweet moment you captured.
Awww, you are right, a much smaller animal...but oh, so cute! Lovely photo, by the way..great composition. :)
How cute and sweet! For some reason, I thought possums only come out at night.
I love your photos!
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