Knitting has never been my strong suite. I've tried several times and I can get it, it just doesn't ever appeal to me. Then I wonder if I'm doing something wrong that I never get faster and can't imagine getting through a big project like a sweater or blanket! I've only ever made scarves and hats, but this time I'm determined to give it a fair shot. With a broken sewing machine, I had some time to knit. I had this great yarn that I felt was well suited for a wash cloth. Wash cloths are in high demand around here, and although we were gifted with many little baby wash cloths, I'd like to knit some more! I really like the feel of this one! It's perfect for wiping up messy little faces!

Did I mention I'm self taught? I've found Cyberseams to be quite helpful. Their videos are easy to follow, and I can repeat them fifty times if I need to. I'm a lefty, but I've found that I've been successfully knitting right handed, which makes sense since I cut right handed as well.

Did I mention I'm self taught? I've found Cyberseams to be quite helpful. Their videos are easy to follow, and I can repeat them fifty times if I need to. I'm a lefty, but I've found that I've been successfully knitting right handed, which makes sense since I cut right handed as well.
Labels: Crafting
THank you for the Cyberseams link. I have been trying to unsuccessfully teach myself to knit but you give me hope. The washcloth is wonderful. I am determined to make one.
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