
Why the hell do we even own this?

Have you ever wondered where something even CAME from in your home? As teachers, Joe and I acquire many odd belongings. Christmas and the end of the year leave us very lucky people. Unfortunately, it also brings us many unnecessary things as well. I mean, who really needs 50 cheap Christmas mugs? or random weird statue-like figures that have no purpose? We've kept many of these odd things over the years, allowing them to clutter our lives.

"How thoughtfelt!" we'd comment..and we'd find a place for it.

But this year, as I found myself putting away the holiday decorations, I was reminded of the constant January thinning of things, organizing, etc that all the magazines seem to highlight every year. I started a bag. It became the "Why the hell do we even OWN this?" bag. As I mindlessly began to let go of some of those things that have been hanging around, my shelves began to take on a new flavor. Things were looking crisp! New favorite views were formed.

The bag eventually filled up. I added another..and now we've got a box. I feel good that I've weeded these useless things out of my life. It feels good to begin the year with a clean slate. The palette (sans the toys) feels really good!

Anyone got any creative solutions for toy storage now? No..colorful bins that you might find in daycare just don't cut it. I'm looking more for the boxes and basket kind of thing!



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