
What Weekend?

Here I find myself..10:30 on a Monday morning..wondering what happened to my weekend. Where exactly did it go? I woke up on Saturday morning, ready to go. The street fair was abound, the weather was fantastic, and there was a knock on the door. A what? at 10 am on saturday? Oh, it MUST be the neighbor...

not exactly..

"Can I help you?"

"uhm..you are Joe Conroy's wife? no?"

My mind begins to race..all of a sudden, I remember Joe's writing marathon. He had mentioned it in passing, but said that it wasn't happening. Here they were, several individuals revved to write. Joe asleep on the couch inside, the house in somewhat shambles..what do you do?

Well..I left them on my porch, of course! I ran inside to get Joe. Then frantically ran through each room trying to clean before they made it to that room.

Yeah, the rest of the weekend followed in a similar suite..so much for relaxing ehh?



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