Sunapee, NH and another year gone by...

We spent the weekend in Sunapee, New Hampshire with some old friends of ours. Saying it was an amazing house is merely an understatement. We seemed prepared for anything once we got there but the drive up left a lot to be desired! At times, I was honestly convinced we were going to die. The roads were so bad in Vermont that you couldn't see the actual road for miles!! Two inches! What a big old lie! It was closer to five! After closely watching the mileage for each mile to pass, we finally made our final turn into a driveway guarded by two giant wooden owls in the middle of the night that was not plowed. Our only guidance was the car tracks down the driveway. I knew the views in the morning would make it all worth it. We awoke to a frozen snowcovered lake just waiting for us to explore. It was purely a spectacular weekend of snowmobiling and snowshoeing meshed with some old fashioned board games and Kareoke! There is nothing like doing 70 MPH on a frozen lake in 15 degree weather! Wow!
So on another note, another year has passed. People often take time around New Years to reflect on the year. I think your birthday is just as good a time as any. Last year at this time, things were looking pretty dismal at SRS. My principal had just found out that she was not being rehired, people were starting to turn sides..and it was clearly time to get out. I had high hopes as I set my self down to mail out my giant stack of resumes. Job fairs came and went..a year later, I am in a much better position in a great public school with a team that I just absolutely *love*. It's like I was meant to be there all along. It's amazing to reflect and look back and think about the position I was in a year ago and a year before that, and think of all the change one can really accomplish if one sets their mind. Really, I am proof positive that ANYTHING is possible! Who knows! Maybe next year at this time, I'll be pregnant! We'll see! (I make no promises!!)
We spent the weekend in Sunapee, New Hampshire with some old friends of ours. Saying it was an amazing house is merely an understatement. We seemed prepared for anything once we got there but the drive up left a lot to be desired! At times, I was honestly convinced we were going to die. The roads were so bad in Vermont that you couldn't see the actual road for miles!! Two inches! What a big old lie! It was closer to five! After closely watching the mileage for each mile to pass, we finally made our final turn into a driveway guarded by two giant wooden owls in the middle of the night that was not plowed. Our only guidance was the car tracks down the driveway. I knew the views in the morning would make it all worth it. We awoke to a frozen snowcovered lake just waiting for us to explore. It was purely a spectacular weekend of snowmobiling and snowshoeing meshed with some old fashioned board games and Kareoke! There is nothing like doing 70 MPH on a frozen lake in 15 degree weather! Wow!
So on another note, another year has passed. People often take time around New Years to reflect on the year. I think your birthday is just as good a time as any. Last year at this time, things were looking pretty dismal at SRS. My principal had just found out that she was not being rehired, people were starting to turn sides..and it was clearly time to get out. I had high hopes as I set my self down to mail out my giant stack of resumes. Job fairs came and went..a year later, I am in a much better position in a great public school with a team that I just absolutely *love*. It's like I was meant to be there all along. It's amazing to reflect and look back and think about the position I was in a year ago and a year before that, and think of all the change one can really accomplish if one sets their mind. Really, I am proof positive that ANYTHING is possible! Who knows! Maybe next year at this time, I'll be pregnant! We'll see! (I make no promises!!)
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